Equipment - NUCLEON

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Experiment NUCLEON
          The complex of NUCLEON scientific equipment shows in Table 1.
Table 1.     
The system, device and unit
Developer, manufacturer
On-board memory (OBM)
Includes 2 unitsduplicate each other.
NUCLEON SC pressurized container (with STMM elements)
FSUEKB "Arsenal"

The service electronics block (SEB) 

Carbon target, equipped

Power supply unit

Charge measurement system (ChMS)

The Plane of ChMS, equipped

ChMS Leder

Energy Measurement System ( KLEM system tracker)

The Plane of  KLEM system tracker, equipped

KLEM system tracker Leder 

Micro Ionization Calorimeter (MIC)

MIC leder

MIC Power supply unit

The scintillation fast trigger system (SFTS)
3Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

     NUCLEON SSC details and systems listed in Table 1 solve the following tasks:
  1. Pressurized container (PC) - provides SSC work modes of temperature and pressure.
  2. On-board memory (OBM) – collects target scientific information of the recording system of SSC (ChMS, KLEM system tracker, MIC) and sends it to the SC for transmission to Earth.
  3. The service electronics block (SEB) – provides the SSC recording system control. The SEB is receiving triggering signal to read data from the SFTS and transfer it to the registration system, formed command on / off recording systems and their calibration, data reading and the operating parameters settings (voltage power PMT SFTS, thresholds SFTS channels, etc.). The SEB transmits reading data about event, as well as the internal telemetric information of the SSC operation, to the OBM. SEB units produce stable voltage supply for all recording systems (from the primary voltage of the SC power supply). In addition, SEB provides reception and execution of the relay commands from the spacecraft (genl on / off commands).
  4. Charge measurement system (ChMS) - specifies the charge of CR primary particles trapped in the SSC.
  5. Energy Measurement System (KLEM system tracker) - determines the energy of the primary CR particles.
  6. Micro Ionization Calorimeter (MIC) - is also designed to determine the CR primary particle energy. MIC provides a selection of electromagnetic components (electrons, positrons and gamma quanta) of the total flow of detected particles. MIC provides the increasing of energy measurement accuracy for CR electromagnetic components, as compared to using only KLEM system tracker features.
  7. The scintillation fast trigger system (SFTS) - provides the start signal output of reading the information when particles with an "interesting" energy (over 100 GeV) hit to SSC.

The main characteristics of NUCLEON systems and parts are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
The name of SSC part or system
Main parameters
On-board memory
  • RAM capacity is not less than 256 MB;
  • Storage capacity of the target information storage is not less than 32 GB;
  • Speed of the target information reception from SEB not less than 1.5 Mbit/s;
  • The speed of target information transmission to the HSRL is not less than 240 Mbit.
  • Sensitive elements - silicon pad detectors with a thickness of 450 μm.
  • The size of the active area is 48x48 cm2 (for each of the 4 ChMS planes).
  • Coordinate resolution is 1.5cm (in X and Y coordinates) in each plane.
  • The signal-to-noise ratio in the channel is at least 4 (for the mip signal - a singly charged relativistic particle). Dynamic range is not less than 1000mip.
KLEM system tracker
  • Sensitive elements - silicon strip detectors with a thickness of 450 μm.
  • The size of the active area is 48x48 cm2 (for each of the 6 KLEM system tracker planes.
  • Coordinate resolution is 0.5mm (one of the X or Y coordinates) in each plane.
  • The signal-to-noise ratio in the channel is at least 3 (for the mip signal - a singly charged relativistic particle).
  • Dynamic range is not less than 3000mip. 
  • The thickness of tungsten converter in each plane is 0.5 r.l. 
  • Sensitive elements - silicon strip detectors with a thickness of 300 μm.
  • The size of the active area is 24x24 cm2 (for each of the 6 MIC planes).
  • Coordinate resolution is 1mm (one of the X or Y coordinates) in each plane.
  • The signal-to-noise ratio in the channel is at least 2 (for the mip signal - a singly charged relativistic particle).
  • Dynamic range is not less than 30000mip.
  • The thickness of tungsten absorber in each plane is 2 r.l.
  • Sensitive elements - scintillation strips with a fiber light collection.
  • The size of the active area is 50x50 cm2 (for each of the 6 SSQT half-planes).
  • Coordinate resolution is 3cm (one of the X or Y coordinates) in each half-plane.
  • The time of start signal output of data reading is no more than 200 ns.
Design Features of NUCLEON SSC
  • Structurally NUCLEON SSC consists of OBM unit located in the OCA SC, and equipped with an SA container, located outside the spacecraft on a special bracket.
  • On-board recording equipment (OBRE) located in the PC includes CHMS, KLEM system tracker, MIC and SSQT and consists of 113 pcs. registering units ("leders"). Parameters of CR particle entering the detection region (ie, the target information for this event) are determined by the results of the triggering of several (8-17) leders of on-board recording equipment systems. Thus, a set of target information of CR particles is possible
  • PC is made of aluminum alloy and is a cylinder with a diameter of 1000 mm and a height of 700 mm with flanges at the places of attachment of the top and bottom covers. Inside the PC there is a service electronics block and on-board recording equipment. OBRE includes a carbon target (CT), power supply units for recording systems, a SFTS system, and several recording systems (KLEM system tracker, SMS, MIC), each of which consists of the so-called "Leders", on which silicon sensors of particles and recording electronics are located. In addition, a number of systems of on-board memory equipment includes sheets of tungsten (in the planes of KLEM system tracker and MIK). Blocks of OBRE systems are located on 20 square planes, collected in the "shelf".
  • The charge measurement system (CHMS) of OBRE consists of 4 upper planes of a "stack", containing "leders" with silicon pad detectors and reading electronics.
  • Energy Measurement System (KLEM system tracker) of OBRE contains 6 planes of "leders" with silicon strip detectors and reading electronics. Inside each plane there is a tungsten sheet of the absorber, which is larger than the active region of the detectors.
  • Micro ionization calorimeter (MIC) of OBME contains 6 planes of "leders" with silicon strip detectors and reading electronics, installed on tungsten slabs of the absorber.
  • The scintillation fast trigger system (SFTS) of OBME includes three planes (modules) located just before, in the middle and directly behind the planes of KLEM system tracker. On the ends of SFTS planes, there are electronics boards of the PMT SFTS ("P1" and "P16" in Fig. 1).
  • Power supplies (PS) of NUCLEON SSC OBRE electronics are located on the sides of the carbon target (CT), which is a box of graphite.

Placement and operation features of NUKLON SSC as part of «Resurs-P» No. 2 spacecraft
  • Orbit parameters of SC:
     - circumferential solar - synchronous;
     - the average height is 475 ± 5 km;
     - inclination - 97,276
     The active life is 5 years.
  • Hermetic container NUCLEON SSC is placed on a special outrigger bracket on «Resurs-P» No. 2 spacecraft (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. General view of «Resurs-P» spacecraft from NUCLEON SSC
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