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On May 26, 2016 Alexander Kurganov a student of Faculty of Physics MSU successfully defended a bachelor's work: "Математическое моделирование космического эксперимента НУКЛОН". 
Scientific adviser, PhD in Physic-mathematical sciences D.M.Podorozhny.

Alexander Kurganov has been working on NUCLEON experiment for more than a year.
The results he presented in bachelor's work were also successfully reported at the MSU youth conference. NUCLEON experiment team hopes for the successful continuation of partnership with Alexander during his further training in the MSU magistracy.

From 23 to 28 May, 2016 there was a MONDELLOWORKSHOP 2016 Frontier Research in Astrophysics–II conference in MONDELLO, Italy (suburb of Palermo).
On May 27, 2016 A.N.Turundaevsky made The NUCLEON Space Experiment Preliminary Results report as a member of this conference from NUCLEON group.
HOORAY!!! The first anniversary of the launch (the anniversary of work from the first inclusion even so ...).

The first annual report on the conduct of Nucleon flight experiment was issued. We have done a wonderful job!!!
The main requirements for NUCLEON SC have been confirmed in the course of the work: the possibility of recording and separating of nuclei with Z = 1-30; particles with an energy of up to 300 TeV were recorded and a preliminary spectrum of all particles in this energy range was obtained; The efficiency of the CLEM method, which is the basis of calorimetry in NUCLEON SC, on the experimental material, was confirmed.
Finally, more than 7 million events for analysis were gathered.
Speakers: Dr.Sc. Panasyuk M.I. (Director of SINP MSU) and Ph.D. Podorozhny D.M. (Chief designer of NUCLEON SSC, SINP MSU).
The decision was made based on the results of discussion of the report: «Results of the NUCLEON scientific program on “Resource-P” No.2, the Earth remote probing SC».

A session on the gathering of nuclear statistics with Z = 1-30 at the SPS accelerator at CERN was conducted with a technological sample at the NUCLEON SC.
The data will be used to improve the algorithms for nuclear separation in flight data at NUCLEON SC.

The NUCLEON experiment team thanks the employees of the deduced beams group of SPS CERN for all-round assistance in conducting sessions. We hope to continue successful partnership in the future!

A session on the gathering of statistics of electrons and pi-meson at the SPS accelerator at CERN was conducted with a technological sample at the NUCLEON SC. The data will be used to improve the mathematical models of the SC operation and algorithms for extracting electrons from the hadron background in the CR
A report “The NUCLEON Space Experiment present status and the first results” about status and results of NUCLEON space experiment was made at the 34th International Conference on Cosmic Rays “ICRC” (The Hague, Netherlands)Speaker from the NUCLEON group was
D.M.Podorozhny – NUCLEON scientific supervisor

An article "NUCLEON takes its place in spacewas published in CERNCOURIER journal
Thanks to the CERN editorial management.
We hope for further cooperation
The NUCLEON group officially included new members:
- Alexander Kurganov, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Physics MSU
-Mikhail Zeleniy, 4th year student of MIPT
The guys will be engaged in mathematical modeling of NUCLEON experiment and processing the experimental data.


The NUCLEON space experiment has been started (the initial stage).
The control commands in optimizing the issuing frequency of internal telemetry data conducted.
Now you can type something useful…
Several sessions of the data gathering with different settings of the trigger system parameters carried out.
The trigger system responds well to model representations, we set the optimal tempo of the count and go to the first long set.
The results of the first long dataset are received (data for 2 weeks).
Can be processed. We can search nuclei in CMS and the first signs of spectra of all the particles in(s) and (m).
"The NUCLEON Space Experiment" report about the beginning of the space experiment was made at the conference “SUGAR 2015. Searcing for the sources of galactic cosmic rays” (Geneva)
Speaker from NUCLEON group - A.N.Turundaevsky
14.01.2015 – 04.02.2015
Flight-tests of the complex of NUCLEON scientific equipment as a part of “Resurs-P” No.2 space vehicle are conducted
Not without remarks, but successfully.
"The NUCLEON space experiment for the direct high energy cosmic rays in the Tev-Pev energy range" article was published in the "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research" journal from the NUCLEON group. This article is about the status of experiment: main tasks, basic methods, equipment set and its characteristics based on the results of ground testing.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 770:189–196, 2015. [ DOI ]
The first SC inclusionSuccessful !!!
The launch of “Resurs-P”No.2 spacecraft with NUCLEON scientific equipment set as an additional payload 12/26/2014
The launch took place at 23:00 from the Baikonur cosmodrome with the Soyuz-2.1B launch vehicle
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