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Strength tests of the technological sample of NUCLEON scientific equipment.

Preparation of NUCLEON TS for vibrationresistance testing.
Installation on a shaker for vibration testing in the vertical direction.
FSUE KB "Arsenal", St. Petersburg, 2011.

NUCLEON SC in a hermetic container on a shaker for testing in the horizontal direction.
FSUE KB "Arsenal", St. Petersburg, 2011.

NUCLEON SC in a hermetic container at the test stand with single strokes.
FSUE KB "Arsenal", St. Petersburg, 2011.

Calibration of NUCLEON SC measuring systems on the output beam of the SPS, CERN accelerator.

Hall of the extracted beams of the SPS accelerator. The NUCLEON scientific equipment is transferred to a beam.
In the shot: j.s.r. I.K. Kudryashov (SINP). CERN, 2011.
NUCLEON equipment on SPS pion beam.
In the shot from left to right: deputy. chiefdesigner of NUCLEON SCD.E.Karmanov (SINP), 
s.engineerA.Yu. Pakhomov (SINP), A.Lobanov (student of the Faculty of Physics MSU), 
jun. I.K. Kudryashov (SINP), lead programmer V. Dorokhov (SPA "Automatics"), CERN, 2011.
NUCLEON scientific equipment on an SPS ion beam.
On the right in the shot is the chief designer of NUCLEON SSC D.M. Podorozhny (SINP), CERN, 2012.

The adjustment of NUCLEON SC relative to the beam output channel. CERN, 2012.

The process of aligning can not be done without a ruler! CERN, 2012.

The adjustment is complete, the personnel leaves the beam output area before switching it on. CERN, 2012.

Assembly of a flight sample of NUCLEON scientific equipment in SINP MSU

Clean assembly area of SINP MSU. NUCLEON microcalorimeter during assembly.
Silicon detectors of the upper recording plane of the calorimeter are visible.
SINP, 2013

Clean assembly area of SINP MSU. A flying model of scientific equipment is ready for acceptance testing.
In the shot from the left to the right: the leading engineer A.V. Baranov (SINP), 
chief designerof NUCLEON SSC  D.M.Podorozhny (SINP), senior researcher. D.E.Karmanov (SINP).
SINP, 2013

Preparation to NUCLEON SSC launch

The mounting shop at the Baikonur cosmodrome. The installation of the “Resurs-P” No.2 spacecraft under the head shell of the launch vehicle is in progress. NUCLEON SSCis fixed belowon the apparatus from and closed with yellow insulation mats. Baikonur, 2014

Baikonur, December 26, 2014.
Collective of NUCLEON SSC creators at a meeting with the rector of MSU V.A. Sadovnichyon 
occasion of successful launch of the spacecraft with NUCLEON SSC.
SINP, December 26, 2014.

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