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Contacts: Joliot-Curie, 6, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia, 141980
+7 (49621) 65-059.
Fax: +7 (495) 632-78-80
Web: http://www.jinr.ru/

 Employees of JINR, who participated in the NUCLEON work:

 Tkachev Leonid Grigoryevich - scientific supervisor on NUCLEON work 
 Grebenyuk V.M.
 Gorbunov N.V.
 Tolstoy N.S. 
 Tkachenko A.V.
 Porokhovoy S.Yu.
 Timoshenko A.A.
 Krumshtein Z.V.
 Sadovsky A.B.
 Sabirov B.M.
 and others.
Tkachev Leonid Grigoryevich - scientific supervisor on NUCLEON work
Grebenyuk V.M.
Gorbunov N.V.
Tolstoy N.S.
Tkachenko A.V.
Porokhovoy S.Yu.
Timoshenko A.A.
Krumshtein Z.V.

Sadovsky A.B.
Sabirov B.M.
     The system of fast scintillation trigger (SFTS) of NUKLON equipment was developed, manufactured and tested at JINR. The fast trigger system makes a decision to read data from all NUCLEON systems when an "interesting" particle of cosmic rays (CR) enters the apparatus, i.e. particle with a sufficiently high energy, interacting with the substance of the NUCLEON carbon target. Thus, the (SFTS) is one of the most important parts of the experimental apparatus. Structurally, the (SFTS) is 3 twin planes of scintillation detectors with spectro shifting fiberone a photomultiplier, as a reading electronics. The planes are located at different depths of NUCLEON recording systems, which make it possible to trace the development of a cascade of secondary particles in (SFTS). The signal for reading the information is generated by (SFTS) controller. In this case, the "interesting" event from a high-energy CR particle and a developed cascade of secondary particles is determined by the presence of intense signals in all the (SFTS) planes, and the signal level in more "deep" planes should increase. The reliability requirements of multi-year operation of the (SFTS) are provided by the duplication of the controller and the recording electronics.
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