ОКБ «Автоматика» - NUCLEON

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Contacts: 620175, Mamina-Sibiryaka 145, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Region, Russian Federation,
SPA "Automatics"
Тел.: +7 (343) 355-95-25
E-mail: avt@npoa.ru   
     SPA "Automatics" has developed and manufactured the electronics of reading the main recording systems of NUCLEON scientific equipment - a system for charge measuring charge, energy system and microcalorimeter. The main feature of these systems was a combination of low noise level with a wide dynamic range and low consumption. The first two requirements are dictated by physical requirements to the equipment, which must confidently register particles with energy release from units of fKl(electrons, protons and light nuclei) to 80,000 fKl (for cascades of particles and heavy nuclei from Z to 30). The requirement of low power consumption is dictated by the limited energy capabilities of the experiment realized on the spacecraft. In addition, SPAA has developed control electronics and controller software for all systems of scientific equipment, as well as a power supply system. All electronic units are designed taking into account the requirement of reliable long-term operation, which is provided by multiple backup and extensive capabilities for rewriting the software of the main controllers.
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